martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Recent natural disasters

Die 780 000 people in the last decade due to natural disasters
A study released by the UN reports that natural disasters were duplicated in the last 10 years
... Natural disasters of that organization, in the last decade occurred in 3800 worldwide natural disasters, which cost the lives of 780,000 people. of this number of victims of natural disasters, 60% of them were caused by earthquakes. In this connection, the UN has indicated that earthquakes are a serious threat to millions of people, and that eight of the world's most populous cities are built on failure of the crust: Tokyo, Mexico City, New York, Bombay, New Delhi, Shanghai, Calcutta and Jakarta. On the other hand, hurricanes have been responsible for 22% of the deaths, while high temperatures have caused the death of 11% of the victims. Alarmingly, beyond the terrible figures handcaft to more than one, is that these numbers were doubled compared to the previous decade. reason that researchers expressed alarm climatic disasters. These data, coupled with the recent disaster in Haiti and the total failure of the summit in Copenhagen, has opened the eyes of the population and has highlighted the dissatisfaction of people with the measures and standards adopted to try to defend the planet. thereby, an international survey conducted ...

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